Coastal GasLink will be a pipeline to jobs, prosperity and economic opportunity
The $6.6-billion project will create thousands of jobs and billions in taxes, revenue and GDP for B.C. and Canada
The $6.6-billion project will create thousands of jobs and billions in taxes, revenue and GDP for B.C. and Canada
Backwoods Energy Services will match up to $20,000 in RRSP savings for Indigenous employees who are first-time, off-reserve home buyers
Seven Generations Energy has achieved new international certification based on an independent review of its its environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance
'We have a lot of employment and the industry is what has taken us into the future”
Montreal-based GHGSat will launch global map monitoring greenhouse gas to help combat climate change
Producers are expected to spend approximately $2 billion more in 2020
Outgoing CEO of Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business pushing for 'economic reconciliation' for First Nations communities through energy sector
Company using conventional oil and gas know-how to advance renewable energy system
Researchers believe the oil sands industry is getting closer to reaching some breakthroughs in water treatment