A Matter of Fact: Oil and gas production is in Canada’s long-term best interest
Canada has many decades to thrive as a global oil and gas leader
Canada has many decades to thrive as a global oil and gas leader
XPRIZE leaves 'Disneyland’ legacy facility for carbon tech start-ups in Alberta
Running the honest numbers about a decades-long pricing premium
Advantages in shipping and production make Canada competitive player for growing natural gas demand in Asia
Competitive edge with abundant natural gas resources and new export terminals providing low-emissions fuel for households and industry in Asia
Canada's record is even stronger when compared with the rise in oil and gas production
Canada continues to reduce flaring volumes from oil and gas production, decreasing 49% between 2014 and 2019
Wood Mackenzie scenario paints a misleading picture about the road ahead
2019 government, industry data shows low spills compared to Russia and U.S.
Competitive, transparent markets are the best guarantee for good performance by resources companies