A Matter of Fact: More Canadian oil could be helping the U.S. right now
The U.S. should say yes to more oil from Canada and no to more oil from Russia and OPEC
The U.S. should say yes to more oil from Canada and no to more oil from Russia and OPEC
Billboards in Times Square, strategic U.S. markets tout benefits of Canadian energy
The shared industry in North America matters to millions
'If you're in the United States and you care about jobs, you should care about the oil and gas industry'
U.S. oil and gas industry employs 5 million people and contributes billions to the national economy
Pipeline operated safely 99.9% of the time from 2010-2020
Project could open new pathway to refineries on U.S. Gulf Coast
'Lawmakers and citizens alike should be celebrating Enbridge and its incredible investment'
Anyone who thinks the U.S. can do without Canadian oil, especially heavy oil, is misinformed