New Alberta plastic plant nearing completion
Heartland Petrochemical Complex helping drive bidding war for Inter Pipeline
Heartland Petrochemical Complex helping drive bidding war for Inter Pipeline
XPRIZE leaves 'Disneyland’ legacy facility for carbon tech start-ups in Alberta
When it comes to environmental stewardship, the oil and gas industry and Alberta do the heavy lifting
Oil and gas sector an economic force for both employment and trade in Canada's four Atlantic provinces
Alberta is BC's largest trading partner, responsible for nearly 40% of interprovincial commerce
'All politics and economies may be local, but local businesses and jobs are always affected by the money flowing in from elsewhere'
Alberta and its main industry support thousands of jobs and create billions in GDP and markets for Ontario businesses
'The single largest challenge in addressing Indigenous poverty in Canada is unequal access to capital and the economy'
Calgary company uses carbon capture technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity
Billions in revenue have flowed into federal coffers thanks to Albertans and their chief industry