Guest commentary: A response from Philip Cross to CBC’s story on the Canadian energy sector
'Clearly, Canada’s energy sector is extremely important to Canada’s economic well-being'
'Clearly, Canada’s energy sector is extremely important to Canada’s economic well-being'
Overwhelming majority in support of responsible, sustainable development on their lands
Data shows those suggesting widespread Indigenous opposition to energy projects spinning a false narrative
Review of available data finds majority of Indigenous communities who've staked out positions support resource development
More than 2,600 Canadians sign letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in support of developing Canada's oil and gas responsibly
Amid unrealistic calls for a massive energy transition, Canada should focus on the 'art of the possible'
Calls by international agencies to make hard green shift ignores potential pitfalls along with possible solutions
Ontario's 'horrifying' foray into renewables should temper ambitions for national green rebuilding scheme
Canadian producers have become global leaders in environment, governance and social management of oil resources
The truth about oil and gas, and Canada's record of responsible development, changed Heidi McKillop's mind about the country's industry