Track record of safe carbon capture and storage in Canada a solid platform for growth
'We know it's safe because we know exactly where all the CO2 is'
'We know it's safe because we know exactly where all the CO2 is'
'Indigenous involvement ensures everybody wins – communities, business, governments and the natural world around us'
‘Our ability to take lessons learned and bring them to these other countries cannot be overlooked’
The world needs more Canadian energy, not less
Annual government revenues from Canada's oil sands sector expected to rise to US$19.4 billion in 2050
Alberta Carbon Trunk Line has already removed the equivalent emissions of more than 890,000 vehicles
'Continuing to do CCUS right ensures Canadians will continue to thrive with our economy and climate'
Low-carbon solutions require advanced skill sets
Alberta energy producers expected to spend $730 million this year developing hydrogen, geothermal, lithium and helium resources
‘We can capture emissions and transport and store them permanently in the subsurface’